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Home Delivered Meals

Home Delivered Meals

You may enjoy cooking, but as you get older, it tends to become a burden.  It becomes difficult to organize meals to maintain a healthy diet.  However, healthy eating is an essential component to long term healthy living.  Adequate nutrition is necessary for health, functionality and the ability to remain independent.  Meals on Wheels ensure that seniors have access to adequate nutrition, even when family support, mobility, and resources are lacking.  

The Meals on Wheels program also has other benefits to seniors besides access to nutritious meals.  For many, the volunteer or staff member who shows up with a meal and a smile is the only person they see or speak to all day. In addition, a safety check accompanies each meal delivery and ensures that, in the case of an emergency or problem, medics will be called, families will be notified and seniors will not be forgotten.  Seniors able to travel to congregate meal sites also receive valuable social interaction and companionship.  Therefore, it is easy to understand why the Meals on Wheels program is vital to the well being of our seniors.

In Missouri, ten local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) are responsible for administering the Home Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels) program. A listing and map of these agencies and their contact information can be accessed on our website at Click on Outreach

The Missouri Coalition for Quality Care (MCQC) continues to support the Home Delivered Meals program. We make 10 donations twice per year to various sites throughout the state.  The funding for the Home Delivered Meals has failed to keep pace with the burgeoning need for its services.  With increased demand due to the pandemic, along with the rapid increase in our country’s senior population, now is the time to join us in supporting this worthwhile program.  Donations may be sent to:  MCQC at P.O. Box 795, Jefferson City, MO 65102, indicating donation for Home Delivered Meals, or by sending directly to the Area Agency on Aging in your location.  Again, this information can be found on our website by clicking on Outreach.  Please help us support our seniors by making a donation to the Home Delivered Meals Program today!

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