Chad Jordon - Founder of MCQC
Chad Jordon, the founder of MCQC and its longest-serving Board member, passed away in his home with family at his side on June 2, 2019. Chad’s long battle with muscular dystrophy robbed him of physical strength over time but never diminished his advocacy for the elderly and the disabled. From his experience working for the State of Missouri and his wife, Leslie’s, career in the Missouri Division of Aging, Chad had a unique knowledge of the social and political obstacles to providing quality care. Armed with that knowledge, he tirelessly and creatively led MCQC to make care better, hold underperforming providers accountable and oppose cuts to social services. We will miss Chad, his knowledge, his compassion, his energy, his humor. He will be with us in spirit. We will always remember his commitment and will strive to fulfill his wishes for quality long-term care in Missouri.